The motive of yoga is to build strength, improve immunity, awareness in both mind and body. Yoga has the power to change both physical and mental capacity which is very helpful for the mind and body in long-term. Yoga is very valuable in directing a person towards positive thinking, positive life and positive action.
Yoga is a spiritual, mental and physical practice that is being practiced since ages now. It is a popular way to build strength, increase flexibility and reduce stress and anxiety.
Here are some ways by which Yoga will help improve your health.
- Improves Posture
Sitting and working for long hours in office will definitely affect our body posture. Poor posture will cause back, neck, joints and other muscles of the body. Yoga improves body posture. You can try these Yoga types to improve your body posture.
- Mountain Pose (Tadasana) – Strengthens thighs, knees and ankle.
- Tree Pose (Vriksasana) – Strengthens Vertebral column, Thigh, Calf, Ankle.
- Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) – Strengthens Vertebral column.
- Increases Flexibility
Yoga allows our body to move in every range of motion. Before starting to practise yoga, it will be difficult for you to reach his toes while bending. But eventually when yoga becomes your daily routine, your body starts to loosen up and you will be able to touch your toes without much effort. You should try these Yoga types to improve flexibility.
- Big Toe Pose (Padangusthasana) – Strengthens thighs
- Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana) – Strengthens spines and abdominals.
- Garland Pose (Malasana) – Strengthens abdominal muscles
- Builds Muscle Strength
Yoga is very helpful in strengthening weak muscles of the body. Good and strong muscles prevent arthritis and back pain. Yoga when done consistently improves muscle strength. Yoga does not require you to lift weights but here you lift your own body weight. Try these Yoga types to build or improve muscle strength.
- Tree Pose (Vriksasana) – Strengthens Vertebral column, Thigh, Calf, Ankle.
- Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) – Strengthens the shoulders, arms and back muscles
- Trikonasana ( Triangle Pose) – Strengthens the hips, back, arms, thighs, and leg
- Increases Blood Flow
The relaxation exercises in yoga facilitate smooth blood flow to all parts of the body. It also helps in getting more amount of oxygen to the cells. Good circulation promotes healthy skin, cell growth and energy. Yoga increases Haemoglobin levels in red blood cells which helps to prevent blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes.
Try these Yoga poses for proper circulation of blood.
- Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) – Strengthens the shoulders, arms and back muscles
- Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) – Calms nerves to promote blood circulation and calms brain to relieve stress
- Shavasana (Corpse pose) – Improves concentration and relax your muscles.
- Improves Digestion
Yoga helps to assist in healthy and proper digestion by promoting faster movement of food and waste products through bowels. Healthy digestion helps to lower the risk of colon cancer and digestive tract diseases.
Try these Yoga for better digestion.
- Peacock Pose (Mayurasana) – Strengthens Forearm, Wrist, Leg, Back torso
- Wind Relieving Posture (Pavanamuktasana) – Stimulate bowel movement and Reduce gastric problems like indigestion and constipation.
- Shavasana (Corpse pose) – Improves concentration and relax your muscles
By incorporating Yoga in your daily routine, one can enhance his health, improve strength and flexibility of the body and considerably reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.
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